Karen’s LAN Monitor was designed to provide users with detailed information regarding their network cards, network connections, and many other parameters. It also shows traffic information and IP/TCP statistics. Karen’s LAN Monitor requires a very small amount of system resources, and it is open source.
A lot of similar programs have been developed recently as a result of the constantly growing Internet world. But not all of them manage to deliver what they promise. Karen’s LAN Monitor, on the other hand, runs smoothly providing the information required by the user in a very organized manner.
Its graphical user-interface consists of eight tabs, as follows: adapters, phonebook entries, connections, traffic, IP stats, TCP stats, UDP stats, and ICMP stats. No other unnecessary settings are displayed. Moreover, the application allows you to copy a specific piece of information to clipboard, or to save it on your hard disk.
Karen’s LAN Monitor is a program that I would like to recommend to anyone that needs a tool for monitoring their networks and connections.